A serious moment

sometimes, on occasion. I can be pretty serious. Like when I talk about my beliefs, needs, and sometimes even wants. Today I just want to talk about some of my wishes. I wish that  most of the population of this country weren’t so ignorant. I wish the president would lie to himself less. He knows what he’s doing is unconstitutional but he goes on doing it anyway. I wish the people would see what they’re doing to it. It saddens and sickens. where is a girl to live? all countries are more or less socialist, are there any truely free places left? Is there any where in the world, where the individual matters the most? If our founding fathers were here today, they’d die of shock. Where is the freedom that was worth dying for?  Gone, gone for a very very long time.  But the great thing is we still have time to hope, there is time for action. But will we make our stand against an oppressive government that tells us lies, just to feed itself. to procure more power over us, the very idividuals who gave it that power

how do I meet so many fellow libertarians? yet when you watch the news on tv, you never hear anything about them? maybe I just travel in all the right circles….

~ by wakingupsaturday on July 22, 2009.

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